Monday, April 23, 2012

WVU Day of Design 2012

This year, West Virginia University held a fashion show with an Old Hollywood theme at the Erikson Alumni Center. Fashion Design & Merchandising students in the fashion show production class were in charge of producing and running the show.

Here are a few highlights from this year's fashion show. Hope to see you there again next year!

With a special thanks to Campus Party for taking pictures of the event!

Behind the Scenes of the Day of Design

This year, West Virginia University's annual fashion show featuring garments made by the Fashion Design students had an Old Hollywood theme.

Here's a few photos demonstrating the backstage madness.

Rachel Sapio wears a Helena Bonham Carter inspired look designed by Sarah Moore. Vice President Jourdan Saseen models Andy Odle's modern chic design.

A mod line designed by Andrea Kostak.

Cruella Devil in the 1920s? A collection by Caroline Andrews. (FBA President Kristina Pellien models on the far right)

Stay tuned for pictures from the featured show!

Friday, April 20, 2012

FBA Hosts a Sustainable Fashion Show

After several requests to do a fashion show, the fashion business association was proud to have its first ever sustainable fashion show! Thanks to Madii Meadows for photography and editing.